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Price list

Price List 2024

Real Estate Photography

Bold Title

Condo                                                                                                                                                                           $175

 Up to 35 photos included - 1 to 2 front photos - Approximately 45 minutes on site

Condo / Apartment + common areas                                                                                                                                                 $200

Up to 45 photos included - Approximately 60 minutes on site

Standard single-family home / Semi-detached                                                                                                                                      $225

Up to 35 photos included - Maximum 1 hour on site

Standard single-family home with bachelor unit                                                                                              $250 Up to 50 photos included - Maximum 1 hour on site

Luxury home 1M+ / High number of rooms                                                                                                      $350 Up to 75 photos included - Maximum 1 hour 30 minutes on-site


Front and backyard                                                                                                                                            $125 Up to 10 photos included

Multi-unit buildings (e.g., triplex, quadruplex)                                                          $175 + $75 per additional unit First unit included - Up to 15 photos included

Close-Up Photographs                                                                                                                                        $95 Price per additional set of 10 photo

Commercial building (sale or lease by real estate broker)                                                                                $425 Up to 50 photos included

Residential Real Estate Video

Real Estate Videography 

Luxury Home Video

Inclusions pour tous nos forfaits de vidéos immobilières

  • Drone included with all our real estate videos.

  • Design a visual montage (with your individual or team photo, your logo, your contact information, and the property address).

  • Video montage included.

  • Horizontal shots (for website) or vertical shots (for social media). To be determined before shooting.

  • Delivery within 48 hours.

Drone Video


Aerial Photos Add-On

Voice Capture

Subtitle Add-on

Aerial Photos and Video


Luxury Home Video


Aerial Photos

Aerial Video

Property Outline

Addition of property boundaries and address on a photo - Price per photo - Paired with a photo session.

Object Removal


Removal of unwanted elements in a photo (e.g., Cleaning up a garage for $40) - Paired with a photo session.

Virtual Staging

Addition of furniture and decorative elements to a photo - Price per photo - Paired with a photo session.

Virtual Staging (x5)

Addition of 5 virtually staged photos - Price per batch of 5 photos - Paired with a photo session.











Editing and Special Requests


Starting at $25



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