Price list
Price List 2024
Real Estate Photography
Bold Title
Condo $175
Up to 35 photos included - 1 to 2 front photos - Approximately 45 minutes on site
Condo / Apartment + common areas $200
Up to 45 photos included - Approximately 60 minutes on site
Standard single-family home / Semi-detached $225
Up to 35 photos included - Maximum 1 hour on site
Standard single-family home with bachelor unit $250 Up to 50 photos included - Maximum 1 hour on site
Luxury home 1M+ / High number of rooms $350 Up to 75 photos included - Maximum 1 hour 30 minutes on-site
Front and backyard $125 Up to 10 photos included
Multi-unit buildings (e.g., triplex, quadruplex) $175 + $75 per additional unit First unit included - Up to 15 photos included
Close-Up Photographs $95 Price per additional set of 10 photo
Commercial building (sale or lease by real estate broker) $425 Up to 50 photos included
Residential Real Estate Video
Real Estate Videography
Luxury Home Video
Inclusions pour tous nos forfaits de vidéos immobilières
Drone included with all our real estate videos.
Design a visual montage (with your individual or team photo, your logo, your contact information, and the property address).
Video montage included.
Horizontal shots (for website) or vertical shots (for social media). To be determined before shooting.
Delivery within 48 hours.
Drone Video
Aerial Photos Add-On
Voice Capture
Subtitle Add-on
Aerial Photos and Video
Luxury Home Video
Aerial Photos
Aerial Video
Property Outline
Addition of property boundaries and address on a photo - Price per photo - Paired with a photo session.
Object Removal
Removal of unwanted elements in a photo (e.g., Cleaning up a garage for $40) - Paired with a photo session.
Virtual Staging
Addition of furniture and decorative elements to a photo - Price per photo - Paired with a photo session.
Virtual Staging (x5)
Addition of 5 virtually staged photos - Price per batch of 5 photos - Paired with a photo session.
Editing and Special Requests